News from Hartmann research: lecture Karl Amadeus Hartmann and Bernd Alois Zimmermann in the context of their time

Referent: Patrick Dziurla


19.30 Uhr

Karl Amadeus Hartmann-Gesellschaft
80801 München
(U3/U6 Giselastraße)

With the format ‘News from Hartmann research’, we would like to give a voice to current musicological discourse. Patrick Dziurla (M.A.) is currently writing his doctoral thesis on the correspondence between Bernd Alois Zimmermann and the publishing house B. Schott’s Söhne (supervisor Prof. Dr Wolfgang Rathert, LMU Munich). In a lecture with sound examples, Dziurla will shed light on Bernd Alois Zimmermann’s relationship with Karl Amadeus Hartmann against the background of the musical and historical dynamics of the 20th century. Hartmann’s role in the realisation of Zimmermann’s epochal opera ‘Die Soldaten’ will be highlighted, as will Hartmann’s role as a decisive promoter of music after 1945.

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