for piano solo
Am 27. und 28. April 1945 schleppte sich ein Menschenstrom von Dachauer “Protected prisoners” an uns vorüber – unendlich war der Strom – unendlich war das Elend – unendlich war das Leid [“On April 27 and 28, 1945 a stream of ‘People in protective custody’ dragged themselves past us – infinite was the stream – infinite was the misery – infinite was the suffering -“]
I Bewegt [“Moving”]
II Presto assai (Scherzo)
III Marcia funebre (Lento)
IV 1st version: Allegro resoluto – 2nd version: Allegro furioso (Stürmisch, leidenschaftlich) [“Stormy, passionate”]
Performance duration: 16′.
First performance: June 13, 1982, musica viva, Herbert Henck (piano)