Symphony No. 1 “Versuch eines Requiems”

in the words of Walt Whitman for alto voice and orchestra
Herrn Franz André, Brüssel, in Freundschaft und Verehrung zugeeignet [“dedicated to Mr Franz André, Brussels, in friendship and veneration”]

Preliminary stages: “Kantate” [“Cantata”] and “Symphonisches Fragment” [“Symphonic fragment”] (1935/36)
Revision: 1945/46
Final version: 1954/55 as “I. Symphonie ‘Versuch eines Requiems'” [“Attempt of a Requiem”]

Performance duration: 35’

First performance (Symphonisches Fragment): 1948, Frankfurt
First performance (I. Symphonie “Versuch eines Requiems”): 22. Juni 1957, Wiener Symphoniker (Conductor: Nino Sanzogno, Alto: Hilde Rössel-Majdan)

  • Year
  • 1935/36
  • Archivalienkategorie
  • Werke


for clarinet, string quartet und string orchestra
das Konzert ist im Geist und in Verehrung für Zoltán Kodály geschrieben [“the concerto is written in the spirit and reverence of Zoltán Kodály”]

the 2nd and the 3rd movement were already written in 1930

I Introduktion [“Introduction”]
II Tanz – Variation [“Dance – Variation”]
III Fantasie [“Fantasia”]

Performance duration: 25′

First performance: June 17, 1969, Tonhalle Orchester Zürich (Conductor: Rudolf Kempe, Soloist: Hans Rudolf Stalder)

  • Year
  • 1930/35
  • Archivalienkategorie
  • Werke