On the death of Wolfgang Rihm

It is with great sadness that the Karl Amadeus Hartmann Society / Hartmann Centre bids farewell to one of the most important contemporary composers. Wolfgang Rihm was a founding member of our society in 2004 and was closely associated with Karl Amadeus Hartmann’s musical legacy and with us personally. His works and his presence always enriched our concerts. The Karl Amadeus Hartmann Society / Hartmann Centre will always honour the memory of Wolfgang Rihm.   https://www.br-klassik.de/aktuell/news-kritik/wolfgang-rihm-komponist-gestorben-nachruf-100.htmlhttps://www.universaledition.com/News/Trauer-um-Wolfgang-Rihm/https://www.swr.de/swrkultur/musik-klassik/wolfgang-rihm-ist-tot-tonkuenstler-und-ermutiger-zum-eigensinn-100.html